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Northern American Nordic Society

Become a Member or Supporter today!

Northern American Nordic Society wants to spread our message of honor, loyalty and compassion. We believe that a single action can make a difference in the community, and that collective action can greatly impact the world. We here at NANS believe in core values of helping our Community. By Faith, Life and through advocacy and outreach activities, our team works tirelessly each day to contribute their part to the greater good.



These are offered to our members and to the Norse community.


Birth and Naming Rites






NANS Classes and Events

Coming soon: We offer a Virtual Men's and Woman's Study Group.

They are intended as public groups that are open to everyone, not just members of NANS. If you want to be a part of one of these groups, just message Liam for the Men's and Marnell for the Women's. Choose whatever group you identify with the most and you'll be welcome there!

*The code of conduct for communication, classes, livestreams, or chats on any platform is the same as the Intro to NANS Facebook and Discord chats. Discussions about politics or sexist, racist, bigoted comments will result in member being removed from the group and may include removal from NANS.


Purchase NANS Meditation Sessions and any special classes here.

Northern American Nordic Society
At a Glance

A Distinct Identity

Northern American Nordic Society knows that our strength lies not only in the words we stand by, but most importantly through the actions of our initiatives. Back in 2017,  we started as a Non-Profit Organization after realizing that by working together we could overcome our challenges much more efficiently, and that is why we ultimately decided to launch Northern American Nordic Society a LLC. We want to not just tell you stories but to teach the lessons therein. The Nordic faith is an open religion and this means no matter who you are, you are still welcome to join our community to support and/or join us. We do not discriminate against Race, Faith or Sexual orientation. No one will be seen as an outsider but as a community. Let us grow together.

What NANS is About


Veteran Family


At Northern American Nordic Society, we are dedicated to stepping up for our Veterans. NANS utilizes the community for outreach, because we believe that through cooperation and community togetherness we can empower each other. We have what it takes to facilitate progress in the area of Veteran needs. NANS is always striving to make a difference and invites you to learn more and be a part of that difference.  Help us not let those of service fall through the cracks.


CLICK HERE to Donate

Homeless Outreach

With this initiative, our goal is to promote great opportunities for those in need. With access to the right resources, people can become empowered by their own abilities and gain the confidence to fulfill their potential. Learn more about our work by getting in touch with our team today. Or you can:

    CLICK HERE to Donate

Homeless Keeper.jpg

"Always move forward!  Staying your hand today never changes tomorrow."

Northern American Nordic Society

Contact Northern American Nordic Society

Liam Meader, Oathingöthi  CEO

Marnell Keller, Alshergöthi  VP


All information presented here is the property of the Northern American Nordic Society and Court of Gothar. No part of this publication may be copied or reproduced without the written approval from the Officers of the Court of Gothar.©


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